How Ontario Plans to Make a Difference on Sexual Violence #WhoWillYouHelp

Sexual assault and violence are evident problems faced by millions of women. According to statistical records, in Canada, one in three women will experience sexual violence in their lifetime. Our government takes sexual violence very seriously and that is why they designed “It’s Never Okay”, an action plan to stop Sexual violence and Harassment in Ontario. Canada has created a $41-million plan to combat sexual violence and harassment. This plan includes “new procedures to improve the experience of survivors navigating the criminal justice system; better funding for community-based sexual assault centres to give more support to survivors; safer workplaces and campuses through new legislations. It will also help ensure young people to learn about gender equality and respectful relationships from an early age.”

There were hash tags created for May’s Sexual Assault Prevention Month but can also be used throughout the year to engage in powerful conversations regarding this matter. Use hash tag #ItsNeverOkay and #WhoWillYouHelp.

Here is a quick link of Ontario’s YouTube Campaign Ad:

If you’d like more information on what Ontario has planned to stop sexual violence and assault, please refer to the link below:


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